
The video routing system

Is based on an IP architecture,

The platform allows to interconnect up to 65,000 transmitters and receivers,                     The transmitters can be selected between HD and SD, their selection depends on the type of equipment to be connected, whether they are vital signs monitors, echographs, endoscopes, angiographs,                     Cameras, etc. All are transcoded and standardized to a single standard.

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Installed Systems


Custom versions


Integrations to medical records.


We offer a full range of capture, control and support services.


Capturing images from the handle from the endocamera to medical devices that provide video signal.

Custom Software

Appointment scheduling, Integration with clinical histories and selection of images and video capture.

Reports Generation

The system allows the generation of reports in printed and digital versions (PDF).

Income Model

Tarifas mensuales muy bajas en software, todas las actualizaciones de software y tareas de mantenimiento por nuestra cuenta.

Model of Sale

Choose the desired accessories like: high definition capture, standard definition capture, communication hardware with capture handle, software.

About Us

Our company has been providing technology solutions to large and small companies throughout the country since 2009

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